New Brunswick Calendar

New Brunswick Calendar

New Brunswick is among the 10 provinces and territories in partnership with The 48 Film Festival. In the New Brunswick region, all activities are being handled by Fred48Hour in Fredericton. If you are from New Brunswick go to this link (or view below) to contact the local participating organization closest to you.

The 48 Film Festival is the first inaugural Canada-wide time-based film festival open to all provinces and territories. All eligible films will have a local screening after the completion of the 48 Film Challenge (Summer 2021). Afterwards the top two films from each province and territory will be jury selected and move on to screen at the TIFF Bell Lightbox in Toronto, Spring 2022.

Local Announcement 2021:

When: Fredericton | February 2021

Registration Period 2021: When: Contact Fred48hour

Info-Session 2021: When: Contact Fred48hour

Wanna learn more about The 48?
Wanna be on a team or expand your team?

This event provides participants (and those interested) with useful resources and collaborative supports and helps to bridge awareness regarding all details surrounding The 48 Film Festival for the calendar year, specified above. Please note, every participating organization will do things slightly different, so be sure to submit all inquiries to the local organization that is closest to your neighbourhood.

COVID Awareness Package 2021: When: May 2021 TBA
Where: Online links TBA

MANDATORY for all participants – a COVID Awareness package that consists of a recorded video (made by a medical/film industry professional) along with a downloadable COVID safety-on-set PDF. This package will provide relevant information regarding on-set COVID safety protocols, tips and useful resources, which we expect everyone involved to utilize for the duration of this public health crisis. The video will be a mandatory viewing and the downloadable document will need to be read and signed. In a nutshell, this package is intended to maximize our efforts to help prevent the spread of COVID and to keep folks safe both on-and-off-set during their productions for this film challenge.

Indiegogo Campaign 2021: When: May-June 2021 TBA
Where: Join Our Indiegogo Email List

This Indiegogo Campaign is a fundraiser to help pay for things like, artist screening fees, royalties for composers, jury honoraria, admin and mentorship honorariums (for events, networking and shared learning opportunities) and much more. In-kind sponsorships, volunteers and personal financing go ever so far when attempting to manage any nonprofit – we have not yet received any government or foundation funding so we are proactively trying to carve our own path. Please join us in helping to continue this amazing public service to both film artists and arts communities Canada-wide. You can go to this Indiegogo link and sign up to receive an email when this fundraiser (Indiegogo) goes live.

*48 Film Challenge 2021:

When: Fri, June 11th – Sun, June 13th – Contact Fred48hour

This is it!!! In one weekend, you will be tasked to write, shoot, score, edit and produce a short film in 48 hours. There is no censorship and we are open to a multitude of media formats and skill levels, you are only limited to the parameters and instructions cited by the organization hosted in your province or territory. Each participating organization will post their own unique version of the announcement to begin the Challenge. Though the rules and instructions will be similar across all locations, there will be some distinct variations, so you will need to confirm all details with the organization(s) managing the event closest to where you reside. Most of all… Work Smart! Be Collaborative! Have FUN!

COVID HIGH ALERT ⚡ For the entire 2021 season everything we do will be online. We are tasking everyone involved to be thoughtful and vigilant! We are living through a pandemic, so please abide by the local COVID protocols and restrictions for your province/region and be sure to practice COVID safety both on-and-off-set.

Local Screening 2021: When: Contact Fred48hour

TIFF Bell Lightbox Screening 2022: When: Spring 2022 TBA
Where: TIFF Bell Lightbox in Toronto

Canada-wide Screening 2022: When: TBA
Where: TBA

The 48 Film Festival, is a federally incorporated not-for-profit arts support organization established to energize arts communities and to help elevate artist career paths in Canada.

The National Announcement

Ideally it happens from February to April. Each participating province/territory will make a public announcement on their participation in The 48 and provide details of the timeline leading to local screenings and the Canada-wide screening.


Typically this begins in the spring. Each participating province and territory will host a registration period. There will be some regional variation, so check with the organization managing the event closest to you. Please pay attention to announcements, as registration typically is on a first come, first served basis. Entry fees will vary.

The Info-session

Ideally in spring each participating region will host an info-session (online or in person depending on health/safety conditions) explaining the rules and details about the festival. This will be a time to ask questions and connect with local composers, actors and extra crew members.

The 48 Film Challenge

In summer, for one weekend, each participating region will host The 48 Film Challenge in their locality. Ideally the rules and instructions will be similar across all areas, but often they will vary. Please check with the organization managing the event closest to where you reside. You will need The Key to begin!

THE KEY... Typically on a Friday, participants will receive an email that the challenge has begun. For example, the film challenge may go from 5pm on Friday to 5pm on Sunday. That email will contain your contest key which will include items mandatory for your film. These could be a theme, the use of a particular camera angle or editing technique, the use of a particular phrase in the script, etc. You will also be provided instructions for film format, export of files and documents that must be handed in with your film.

The Local Screening(s)

In summer, each participating region will host a local screening of all completed films. This will typically take place in the city in which the managing organization resides. There will likely be some local variation in details, so be sure to check with the organization managing the event that is closest to you.

The National Screening

The national screening will feature selections from each participating region. In Spring the following year, The TIFF Bell Lightbox or some place similar will host Canada’s national 48-hour film festival. Each participating locality will select two films for screening at the national location, so far its been locked in with the TIFF Bell Lightbox.